Monday, January 26, 2015

This week was AWESOME! (:

This week was AWESOME! (:
We have so many people to teach in this sector, but no one has really showed forth the effort to want to progress. I was pretty fed up with it one day, so I just got down on my knees and just let my heart go. I expressed my feelings to want to find a wonderful family to find. I was so determined to find them because I felt such a peace in my heart that we would be able to find them that we cancelled all plans for 3 hours and just went looking for a family who was waiting for us. We entered houses, and talked to everyone and after like 3 hours of rejection, lo and behold, we found a marvelous family! WOO! They said they were waiting for us because they had wanted to change the course of their lives. I was almost in tears staring at this family that is now going to be able to come unto the gospel in its fullness. I thanked our Creator that night and went to sleep peacefully. awesome. awesome. awesome.

One night, my comp and I got home and we had bought a huge watermelon! I barely put the knife into it and it exploded! We ate tons of sandia (watermelon) that night (:

Soooo we taught a new less active, brought him to tears reminding him of his glory days in the church, and arrived at the house of 2 people who were in need who thanked us with tears. The second house we got into was a member who hadnt come in a while. Her nonmember son was sick that week. We gave him a powerful blessing pulling down the powers of heaven. He lives in a city about an hour north of here in Curico. We got news from the elders up there that he went to church yesterday. Pretty cool experiance. I wrote him a list of questions that the book of mormon answers.

There was a big earthquake here on saturday morning. I woke up to my whole bed shaking. Its always a cool experiance.

We made brekafast sunday morning for some less actives who havent come in years. They came to church and were so happy. It paid off to make them some delish eggs with peppers on chilean bread. YUM.


DyC 88:22
 "For he who is not able to abide the law of a celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory."

Lets pick up our consecration (:
Elder McGee

this is how much chileans love their pan (bread)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Elder McGee Creative Extraodinaire Independencia, Talca

This week was pretty cool! We had changes. I am staying here in Independencia, Talca. I have a new companion named Elder Spriggs from bountiful utah! We have already become good friends and we are having tons of fun! Today we had a big sprite pong contest between all the 40 missionaries in the two zones of talca. It was a lot of fun!

This week we had a less active who told us alot of crazy stuff about her life. We would kinda blown away by what she told us. We had a long lesson and just pleaded with her to repent of all that she had done and she would be forgiven. The spirit was way strong as we testified of the trutfullness and the joy that comes as we repent.
On sunday she came up to us almost leaping of joy. She told us to come by later that day, so we went by and she said she prayed for like 2 or 3 hours just pleading with the Lord to repent just like it explains in Alma 36:

 18 Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am inthe gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlastingchains of death.
 19 And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember mypains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more.
 20 And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!
 21 Yea, I say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again I say unto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy.

​She was so filled with joy like 20 and 21 decribe to us. I too have passed through this process and it is so sweet to the soul. Its like vomiting. Whenever we have something bad in us, we must vomit it all out, and as soon as its all out we can usually fall back asleep in the night. Just as your stomach becomes clean and realxed after vomiting, our souls too can become clean and relaxed as we use the healing powers of the atoning sacrifice of Christ to HEAL US. (: DO it!

On thursday we rolled up to Rancagua, where I started my mission for a special training. We stayed in a house with like 20 other Elders. Super fun times!

The mission is so great! I love it!


Elder McGee
Creative Extraodinaire
Independencia, Talca

Monday, January 12, 2015

Hey Family!

Hey Family!
This week was sooooo busy!
We did a ton of stuff!
We taught a zone training to the whole zone of about 20 misisonaries and it was the climax of Elder Adair an I`s companionship. We nailed it and it was so smooth and very spiritual. We sent everyone on a scavenger hunt for part of it and it was really fun, really successful and of course we all learned a ton!

I went on divisones with a good Elder buddy of mine, Elder West. We had tons of fun, and it is always cool to see how much you have learned with your companion with you split uo and work with another Elder.
We met some friends in the Lider(Walmart) here and they invited us to their wedding. They are jewish and we went to their legal wedding. Their family was so nice and really welcomed us in as part of the family and we didnt even know them! Great people! It was cool to see a bunch of religions join together to celebrate something we all know is very important: Marriage. They believe alot in the original hebrew language. Yahshwa is how you say Jesus Christ in Hebrew which would be his original name! Pretty cool!
Later that day we met a guy who took us up to the local catholic chapel and gave us a tour and we learned alot about the catholic relgion. It was a pretty awesome day (:
One day we werent having much success, and we were being like the children of Israel again. We decided to say a prayer and we found an AWESOME less active member named Felix. He was baptized years ago. We entered into his house, and sat him down. He had 2 questions. 1. How did we find him and 2. What do we expect from him. We said that God had managed to put us in his path because we didnt know he lived in the random house we contacted. We then continued to describe what we expected from him. We told him he would stop smoking now, that he would stop drinking, and that he would become a faithful member of the church and recieve a calling. He agreed. We then invited him to a big family home evening that we were having in the house of a member. Without excuses, he put on his sunglasses and we rolled over to the family home evening on a tricicle. He came to church on sunday and is ready to go. AWESOME guy! We taught him "I will never go back," in english.
Well my companion and I will be splittling up tomorrow. I will be with my new comp here in my same sector of Independencia, Talca with Elder Spriggs.
I love you all.
We cannot do this work alone.

Grandma sent me this aweosme quote this week:

"The great test of life is obedience to God. The great task of life is to learn the will of the Lord and then do it. The great commandment of life is, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind and with all thy strength."

Elder McGee

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New year!

Happy New year!
2015. Its here.
Im so excited to use the traditional goal making time of the year to reevaulate who I am and what I am doing!
I want to get all the way through doctrine and conventants in these next 6 months. Bythe way doctrine and covenants 20 is an amazing section all the way through. It explains really all the necesary things to know about the gospel and what we must do here in our lives! (:
New years was pretty chill this year. We went to sleep peacefully and just heard tons of people partying and singing all night. Nothing to really write home about. (:
We had a pretty sucessful week. Its amazing how quickly we forget the tender mercies of the Lord just as the children of Israel. We have had just tons of sucess these past couple of months, and we finally made it to a little brick in the wall where we didnt feel like we were having much success one afternoon. We were going around a little bit low on animo, and we decided to say a prayer. Of course, the Lord is powerful in his work and quickly guided us a to a family of 4. We were quick to give thanks to him.
We had tons of fun this week, but I didnt bring my papers of what all we did, so I kinda forgot everything that went down. I promise it was an awesome week, just like every week here is in Chile!
I love you all (:

oh I buzzed my hair, and this is a typical chilean dish called porotos (: