Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ustedes son mis ejemplos!

Ustedes son mis ejemplos!
Gracias por su apoyo!

This last week was a good one!
Well, I started off on sunday teaching a lesson in church which was wonderful! I had such a blast doing it! I really tryed to prepare myself more this past sunday for church, mentaly and spiritually.Just studying a little bit before for the different classes, and listening to some great mellow relaxing music. I realized that by preparing for church a little more, I was able to go to church with a jug instead of a cup because I really filled myself up with good stuff! Its so great to be able to have the opputunity to partake of the sacrament every sunday! (For those who may not know what we do, we partake of some bread and some water to rememeber the blood and flesh of Jesus Christ to remind us of the sacrfices that he made. The prayers that are offered before are beautiful. They help us to always remember Him and that we can always have his spirit to be with us. I highly reccomend listening to them!)
This past week in the office consisted of getting everyone who is about to go home arranged for some interviews and a last dinner at the Presidents house. As well as planning for this next coming week which is called la semana loca because we have like 14 people leaving and going home and 12 coming. So we are in charge of flights, getting people out and getting them here. So we do alot of santiago trips to the airport and the misisonary trianing center. Also we recived notice that alot of visas are ready to be taken out. so we made alot of calls to let people know what to do and how to get up to santiago!
We unfortunately had to take one elder home this past week, so we dropped him off at the airport at 430 AM that was a fun one.
Another time we we up to santiago we spent 6 hours driving around different places and paying different fines so that one missionary could get her package that was uphelp. It was ridicoulous, we payed over 100 dollars in fines (50000 pesos) and had to print off pictures of what was inside. My companion was very frustrated that day. haha. but we had alot of fun as well. We even found a SUBWAY in santiago! How awesome is that! I hadnt eaten a perfectly made sub in 8 months now! It was heavenly.
Along with all the confusion of people coming in and out, we got a new matrimonio this week ( Umm I think that means couple? Like a senior set of missionaries) So we are also losing some as well! They were great and fun, and now we have some new ones to work with here in the office! They are great people, we have got to spend a little time with them. They dont know much spanish so we will probably be answering alot of phones and helping them out becuase they are in charge of the houses and the money here in mission! So fun stuff.
The batemans are the ones leaving and they bought us McFlurries from McDonalds this past week! They are really expensive, so it was really nice! You dont each much ice cream here in chile!
I also got to look through a Brail version of a book of mormon this week. Way cool!
We even got one night this past week where we got to go out to the sector and be normal proselyting missioneries! Super awesome! We met alot of great people and even did one contact in English! haha fun stuff.
Today we went over to hangout with President and we played pingpong all morning and they made us a wonderfully delicious breakfast! President and Hermana Warne are seriously so great! Its wonderful to get to know them better!
So that was about it for my week! (:
Hope you all had a wonderful week!
Elder McGee

1.) These hot dogs are called choriplops. They are huge and just covered in mayonase and ketchup and tomatoes and goodness
2.) Mcflurries!
3.) We fit bikes in the elevator to take up to the house one night when we didnt have a car.
4.) Beautiful morning
5.) and 6.) house pictures to motivate us!

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