Saturday, March 15, 2014

I am always just going going going!

I am always just going going going!
But I love it. I barely have time to think for myself.
Its great to be able to just be helping the mission out and the other missioneries! I love doing all the behind the scenes work!
This past weeks work included and was not limited to:
-Confirming flight schedules for the outgoing missioneries.
-Confirming arrivals in the missionary training center.
-Arranging special changes for emergency situations and moving missionaries to different parts.
-making santiago trips to make sure all missionaries have valid Chilean visas.
-Cleaning out an old missionary apartment.

These are just some of the various things we do each week! Each of the 6 weeks of the 6-week cycle include different tasks! So this week we are taking care of new missionaries and old missionaries.
Its alot of office work, but at the same time, I get to conocer (to know) almost all the misisonaries in the mission. I also know alot of their first names (Which is weird becuase we refere to other missionaries as Elder or Hermana and their last name)

I cant tell you all the little lessons I learn from God, from other people, and learn about myself each week! Ive been trying to write them down.
One thing that I have noticed lately is there are alot of people out there that just ask you for 100 pesos here. Which is like 20 cents. I started trying to give them a nice little picture of Jesus for a reminder. Its really interesting that these people wont except a free nice little gift. I leaves me in awe everytime that reject it. How could someone turn down a reminder of Jesus and what he did for us because they are too focues on getting money. So how can this relate to you? Just as the homeless man is constantly focused on recieving more money and forgets what this life is really about, are we often forgetting as well? Are we too wrapped up in facebook, texting, cars, work, or other things and forget some of the more important things in this life as in Religion, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, family, and striving to achieve true happiness? Hmm. Seems as if we all fall into patterns and start to justify and tell ourselves that Work is more important than church, so we skip church. Or we find that drama in highschool proves to be too much and we skip out on church activities. Well I have had these same problems as well. But we can all get better. I challenge anyone who reads this to take 10 minutes out of each night and offer up a solemn simple prayer to our Heavenly Father who has given us SOOOO Much. (Everything that we have) Just try it and find the blessings that come with it. Just 10 minutes to think, pray, and meditate. I can write about it all I want, but you will never know until you try these things. So unlike the homeless man who is focused on getting his money and less about the important things in life, we need to be a little bit better and sit back and thank God for everything we have. So theres my thought of the week.

Yesterday we spent the day in Santiago again. Its really a cool city! I have a blast going up there. We were able to spend the day with a married couple of missionaries who are so cool! They are called the Walls. I learned alot from them in that day. We also got to eat at the Mtc. It was way good!

Today we ended up going to the same beach we did last week, but this time we relaxed a little more and adventured a little less. Fun fact of the day: I had to pay 40 cents to enter the bathrooms today. Interesting.

I had a wondeful week! I hope you all did as well.
"We show God our loyalty and Gratitud by progressing forward and becoming better than we were the day before"

Elder McGee

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