Wonderful week!!
We started off last week on monday traveling up to Santa Cruz which is like 2 hours to stay the night because the next day we had a lidership conference. We rolled into santa cruz monday night, and it was super hot outside. It was like arriving on vacation! haha weird moments in the mission. So tuesday we got up early, and I went to another city called San Fernando. It was good to see president again, and learn lots! So we went back to santa cruz, and I got to do some baptismal interviews. We spent the whole day doing them, because they we ivestigators of the hermanas! What spiritual experiances, can I tell you what. The spirit is always so strong as you look someone in the eyes, and ask them the last question. Do you feel ready to become baptized, and become a member of the church of Jesus Christ? When they say yes, its incrededible. (:
Anywho, we came back home on wednesday after district meeting, and did some good work and what not. The next day, thursday, was the 18th of September where its just like the 4th of July. Everyone comes down here to pichilemu though, so we had to stand on the 2 hour bus ride home, because everyone was on their way to Pichilemu! So it was nuts. Just thousands of people in the downtown area, and evryone was having a good time. So fun to be here and be apart of that! Its weird that a year has already passed, I remember my first 18th here. So we visited members, and we did alot of service that day, we actually helped someone move. haha. Then fridaywas the branch activity. We spent the whole day there, because President gave us permission! It was super fun, Asados(bbq) everywhere! We ate so much meat. Everyone flies kites here too! They have cool ones that are called Volantines. They take alot of skill to fly. So we went and flew kites on the beach. the beach was packed! Normally there is no one here to enjoy it. But a fun couple of days!
Then, yesterday we went to another little village called Cahuil. It was super beautiful and we talked to some great poeople (:
Today we had an asado(bbq) with some of our investigatores. It was a blast to spend time with them and have lots of fun. The work is going great, and advancing very fast!
Elder McGee
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